Habitat Restoration

The habitat restoration department at LFFA collaborates with First Nations communities to restore critical fish habitats in the Lower Fraser region.

Upper Pitt restoration

Thousands of meters of new spawning channel in Katzie territory.

Centre Creek

A three-year project to restore flow and monitor species in Centre Creek.

Gill Bar Xá:y Syí:ts’emílep

A multi-pillar restoration approach being led by Pelólhxw Tribe.

Each restoration project is unique, but the goal is always to protect and re-establish fish populations to sustainable levels, which in turn supports traditional fishing practices.

Project sites are chosen for their ecological and cultural value, incorporating Indigenous knowledge and engaging local knowledge holders. The LFFA supports member First Nations by coordinating between funding agencies and other interested parties, providing technical support for project development, and ensuring that participating Nations have an opportunity to grow their own capacity throughout the life of a project.

In addition to working with First Nations, the LFFA engages with external organizations, including government agencies, NGOs, and industry partners to enhance the scope and effectiveness of their habitat restoration efforts.

LFFA also maintains an inventory of past, present, and potential habitat restoration projects to provide a regional perspective and identify areas where restoration activities may be lacking.

Habitat Restoration department projects

‘We have to take care of everything that belongs to us’ / We have to take care of everything that belongs to everyone.’

Upriver: Xólhmet te mekw stám ít kwelát

Downriver: xáʔɬəmət ct mək̓ w ʔə kwə swéʔs

Sweltzer creek Swílhcha Stótelô

Working with Soowahlie First Nation to restore of aquatic habitat.

Clayburn creek

Supporting Sumas First Nation with habitat restoration discussions in the Clayburn watershed.

Salmon Habitat Restoration Course

A free, self-directed online course to discover the basics of habitat restoration in the Lower Fraser region.

‘Foodlands’ project

Monitoring reconstructed wetlands along the Salmon River with Kwantlen First Nation and partners.

S’ólh Téméxw Stewardship Alliance collaboration

Ongoing water quality monitoring with development of a standardized water quality database and collection methodology.